IF YOU LOVED SOMEONE in a past life, would you love them again in this one? What about the next one? If so, then why? The Physics of Why addresses this question and others by telling three different stories about two people whose destinies cross paths again and again.
WELL, HERE IT IS, the obligatory author’s web page where writers are encouraged to blab on about ourselves at least a little. More importantly, it’s my opportunity to connect with you, dear reader. If you’ve read my book, then I can’t imagine a more thorough way for us to make that connection than through its dozens of characters and 100 thousand words, all of which hail from somewhere in the deep recesses of my passions, fears, hopes, flaws, beliefs and experience. Hopefully, you will nonetheless find some bonus here. Please also feel free to reach out. I’d love to hear from you.
For those who haven’t read The Physics of Why, I hope you enjoy it and, if you do, leave an Amazon review. (If you don’t then never mind). It is available for order today. Simply click on the link above.